miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

You are reading this? Yes? Hello n_n

You want look one of my draws?(COLORED BY ME) :3

Futaba and Kou <3 Do you like it? *^*

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

This is my family.<3
My kawaii family.

Seira "Sakawa"(My version)

Hanon Hosho (My version)

Luchia Nanami (My version)

Rina Toin (My version)
Sara "Sakawa" (My version)

Luchia and Rina

Luchia and Hanon

Hanon and Rina

Luchia and Sara

Hanon and Sara

Seira and Luchia
Seira and Rina

Seira and Hanon

Rina and Sara

I hope you like It <3
Hello ^-^ This is my second blog. :o I hope you like all the content.I'll upload what you can like:
-Emo people.
-Pastel Goth people.
-Scene people.
-Punk people.
-Goth people.
-Drawings(COLORED BY ME).
-Anime and/or manga.
-My Sims.
-Story's (Horror,fantasy...).
-Things(Kawaii's,creepys,dresses,skirts and more clothes,accesories...)
And more,I think.

I hope you like my blog.Want to wallpapers, drawings colored by me and more things?Tell me in the comments. :D
(Sorry...but I'm a girl) ¬¬